Finding Joy in Spite of Fear

Finding Hope in Spite of Fear..

Jesus taught a gospel of hope, not fear. He warned of coming persecutions and those who would try to control people through fear and said, “…have no fear of them (those in power); for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known” . Truly Jesus taught a gospel of hope, not fear. Today, many of us are living in fear of Covid-19. Fear of the unknown because is a danger we all face but cannot see. We see the result of Covid-19 in numbers reported to us in the media and some of us are experiencing it in very real ways as friends test positive and are suffering the loss of family or friends who did not survive after becoming ill. When people are sick and dying by the thousands, it is easy to panic and loose hope. Have no fear because our faith in Jesus Christ and the power of The Holy Spirit will help us stand strong against all odds. Christians must live a gospel of hope so the world will see that we live joyfully, in spite of persecutions and disease, because we know that Jesus and our Father in heaven know who we are and even know the number of hairs on our head. When the world seems like a three-ring circus and noise is everywhere, stop and listen and be quiet. God is right here with us in the midst of chaos. There is hope! Be joyful. Eternal life will be our “happy ever after”


Rev. Carol