How are things with you today? Everyone will have a different answer to that question because we each see life from where we are living. You are always on my mind because I know that some of you are going through tough times and are at loss for what is going to happen next. We are aware and confused about Covid-19 and many of us are experiencing it firsthand. All of us are experiencing it as it effects our lifestyles have been interrupted and our normal has been dismissed. Being able to be with family and friends is on hold and wearing the mask is hard for some. I always wear my mask in public because I am told that it protects you if I am unknowingly positive. I love and respect you and so I “mask up”. Many of you reading this will disagree with me and I guess we all have our view of what is going on. Of course, I am in the high-risk range so that makes a difference too. I believe that God knows what is going on and sometimes I ask Him if Free Will was a good thing and if He ought to have given it to everybody since Adam and Eve were the ones who sinned first. Of course, that is a human question and I know the answer before I ask. Free Will is a gift from God and we are given the choice of how we are using it to battle good versus evil. Good will always win. After God finished creating the world, he “… saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) God’s world still is very good however we need to clean up our own messes we have created. We start with ourselves and then move forward together.
Have a great day! Love and Prayers,
Rev. Carol