Jack was a good dog. He was a border collie and knew his job. Every morning and afternoon, he went out to the pasture and rounded up the cows and brought them up to the barn at milking time. He was also a beloved pet and member of our family. One day, a car arrived in our driveway and a man stepped out and asked my dad if he could buy Jack. Of course, Jack was not for sale. A few days later, Jack came up missing. We all cried and I prayed that Jack was just lost and would come home. A few weeks later mom called out, “It’s Jack, I can see him coming over the hill!” Jack had found his way home. His feet were bloody from walking, his hair was matted and he was really hungry. He received a wonderful “welcome home” and all of us shed tears of joy. Jack was home!
Jack reminds me of the story of the Prodigal Son in the Bible (Luke 15:11-32 NRSV) A son leaves home and spends his inheritance on wild living and nearly starves to death. He is beaten down and can go no lower. In sheer desperation he returns home in shame, only to be met with tears of joy from his father at his return. That’s how God is with us. No matter how far we go from home and how foolish we are, God is always ready to welcome us home. God misses us when we are away and if we are honest, we miss God too. Is God that “something” or “someone” missing in your life? God is watching and waiting for your return!
God Bless You!
Rev. Carol